Power Adulting Podcast

#72 Master the Noise to Maximize Your Investments with Jesse Cramer

Jesse Cramer chats about investments with co-hosts El Brownell & Dave Koch Season 4 Episode 8

You are in for a real treat with an engineer turned investment advisor who previously designed telescopes for outer space. I doubt he'd call himself a rocket scientist but I think he's pretty darn smart… especially with money. 

Jesse Cramer discusses a lot of financial topics in a very relatable manner without dumbing it down. His budgeting technique is so simple El started using it right away. Then we did a deep dive into stock market index funds and Jesse helped us understand the difference between correlated, anti-correlated, and uncorrelated investments. 

He ended with a quote from William Bernstein that the point of diversification “is to not die broke.” Listen in for a ton more financial tips.

Here's another review from an early reader of our soon to be released new book: The Graduate Project

“What El and Dave have put together is timeless and relevant wisdom from knowledgeable and experienced world class niche professionals. Every parent should consider this book as post college 101. It'll save you time,  money, &, potentially, your relationship with loved ones.”  

~ Festus Amoye ~ Author and Founder of Laddering Your Success

Keep an eye on our socials @poweradulting for more info on the book release.



Website - The Best Interest - https://bestinterest.blog

Twitter - https://twitter.com/BestInterest_JC

Jesse Cramer at Cobblestone Capital Advisors    https://cobblestonecap.com 


Money Mastermind    https://bestinterest.gumroad.com/l/MoneyMastermind 

How to Money Podcast     https://www.howtomoney.com 

Animal Spirits Podcast     https://awealthofcommonsense.com/podcast/

19 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor    by Jason Zweig Wall Street Journal



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The Graduate Project: A Success Guide for Parents to Help New Adults Rock their ‘Real Life’ Journey.  By El Brownell & Dave Koch

poweradulting.com/growth   FREE Art of Adulting Guidebook & 5-Day Challenge